Yeah, what’s up with Nicole’s face? In her most recent offering, THE UNDOING (or some such equally forgettable and meaningless title) said face is so padded and frozen that she can’t act with it; nothing moves. Is her character happy? Sad? Scared? Who knows since it al looks identical! . Nicole started committing actress suicide a few years back when she gave herself over to her current plastic surgeon. If Hollywood keeps giving her awards for Acting While Cosmetically Impaired it spells the death knell of thespionage as we know it and paves the way for fully-CGI acting avatars. Who needs real people to act in movies when a cheaper, less demanding computer-animated version with limited expressiveness can be foisted upon us? And Jan, hon, we both know she hates her nose, and has been test-driving her next purchase via some prosthetic options in movies over the last few years. Poor Keith is gonna wake up some morning next to Pinocchio Barbie and the H.F.P. lemmings at the Golden Globes are going to give her more statues for— what?— artistic and surgical bravery? Enough Nicole!

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First of all, I will 100% watch any awards show that gives a statue for surgical bravery - please make that happen immediately! In fact, I'd like the Surgical Bravery Awards to be an entire show - Surgical Bravery on Instagram; the Two Surgeries One Year award; Surgical Bravery Under 21 category - I'm IN for this show!

Second, your post makes me think we need to ask a much deeper: are you willing to say, with absolute certainty, that Nicole was ever able to move her face?

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